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National Savings Recurring Deposit Account
5-Year Post Office Recurring Deposit Account (RD)
Interest payable, Rates, Periodicity etc.
Minimum Amount for opening of account and maximum balance that can be retained
From 01.04.2020, interest rates are as follows:-
5.8 % per annum (quarterly compounded)
Minimum INR 100/- per month or any amount in multiples of INR 10/-. No maximum limit.
Salient features including Tax Rebate
Account may be opened by
(i) a single adult
(ii) Joint Account (Maximum 3 adults)
(iii) Minor above 10 years of age
(iv) A guardian on behalf of a minor/Person of unsound mind
Account can be opened by cash / Cheque and in case of Cheque the date of deposit shall be date of clearance of Cheque
Nomination facility is available at the time of opening and also after opening of account
Premature closure is allowed after three years from the date of opening of the account and interest at the rate applicable from time to time to the Post Office Savings Account shall be payable on such premature closure of account
Account can be transferred from one post office to another
Any number of accounts can be opened in any post office
Subsequent deposit can be made up to 15th day of next month if account is opened up to 15th of a calendar month and up to last working day of next month if account is opened between 16th day and last working day of a calendar month
If subsequent deposit is not made up to the prescribed day, a default fee is charged for each default, default fee @ 1 Rs for every 100 rupee shall be charged. After 4 regular defaults, the account becomes discontinued and can be revived in two months but if the same is not revived within this period, no further deposit can be made
*If in any RD account, there is monthly default amount , the depositor has to first pay the defaulted monthly deposit with default fee and then pay the current month deposit. This will be applicable for both CBS and non CBS
There is rebate on advance deposit of at least 6 installments, Rs. 10 for 6 month and Rs. 40 for 12 months Rebate will be paid for denomination of Rs. 100
Minor after attaining majority has to apply for conversion of the account in his name
One loan up to 50% of the balance allowed after one year. It may be repaid in one lumpsum along with interest at the prescribed rate at any time during the currency of the account
Protected Savings Scheme is applicable for the account of denomination Rs 100/-
Online Deposit facility is available through Intra Operable Netbanking/Mobile Banking
Online Deposit facility is available through IPPB Saving Account
Date of maturity will be 5 years after date of opening. Account can be extended for further 5 year by giving application at account office
National Savings Time Deposit Account
Post Office Time Deposit Account (TD)
Interest payable, Rates, Periodicity etc.
Minimum Amount for opening of account and maximum balance that can be retained
Interest payable annually but calculated quarterly.
Minimum INR 1000/- and in multiple of 100. No maximum limit.
Interest rates From 01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020
Salient features including Tax Rebate
.Account may be opened by
(i) a single adult
(ii) Joint Account (Maximum 3 adults)
(iii) Minor above 10 yearsof age
(iv) A guardian on behalf of a minor/Person of unsound mind
Account can be opened by cash /Cheque and in case of Cheque the date of realization of cheque in Govt. account shall be date of opening of account
Nomination facility is available at the time of opening and also after opening of account
Account can be transferred from one post office to another
Any number of accounts can be opened in any post office
Single account can be converted into Joint and Vice Versa
Minor after attaining majority has to apply for conversion of the account in his name.
TD account can be extended by giving an application in account office
Interest shall be payable annually, No additional interest shall be payable on the amount of interest that has become due for payment but not withdrawn by the account holder
The annual interest may be credited to the savings account of the account holder at his option
Premature encashment not allowed before expiry of 6 month, If closed between 6 month to 12 month from date of Opening, Post Office Saving Accounts interest rate will be payable
The investment under 5 Years TD qualifies for the benefit of Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 from 1.4.2007.
Online Account Opening facility is available through Intra Operable Netbanking/Mobile Banking
National Savings Monthly Income Account
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme Account (MIS)
Interest payable, Rates, Periodicity etc.
Minimum Amount for opening of account and maximum balance that can be retained
From 01.04.2020, interest rates are as follows:-
6.6 % per annum payable monthly.
In multiples of INR 1000/-
Maximum investment limit is INR 4.5 lakh in single account and INR 9 lakh in joint account
An individual can invest maximum INR 4.5 lakh in MIS (including his share in joint accounts)
For calculation of share of an individual in joint account, each joint holder have equal share in each joint account.
Salient features including Tax Rebate
Account may be opened by
(i) a single adult
(ii) Joint Account (Maximum 3 adults)
(iii) Minor above 10 years of age
(iv) A guardian on behalf of a minor/Person of unsound mind.
Account can be opened by cash/Cheque and in case of Cheque the date of realization of Cheque in Govt. account shall be date of opening of account
Nomination facility is available at the time of opening and also after opening of account
Account can be transferred from one post office to another.
Any number of accounts can be opened in any post office subject to maximum investment limit by adding balance in all accounts (Rs. 4.5 Lakh)
Single account can be converted into Joint and Vice Versa
Minor after attaining majority has to apply for conversion of the account in his name
Maturity period is 5 years from 1.12.2011
Interest can be drawn through auto credit into savings account standing at same post office,orECS./In case of MIS accounts standing at CBS Post offices, monthly interest can be credited into savings account standing at any CBS Post offices
Can be prematurely en-cashed after one year but before 3 years at the discount of 2% of the deposit and after 3 years at the discount of 1% of the deposit. (Discount means deduction from the deposit.)
A bonus of 5% on principal amount is admissible on maturity in respect of MIS accounts opened on or after 8.12.07 and up to 30.11.2011. No bonus is payable on the deposits made on or after 1.12.2011
Interest shall be payable to the account holder on completion of a month from the date of deposit
If the interest payable every month is not claimed by the account holder such interest shall not earn any additional interest.